Pregnancy Planning

Planning for a pregnancy can mean looking after your health in a number of ways. Even if you are not ready for a baby right now, you might want to discuss ways of looking after yourself to maximise your chances of conception at a later time.

While many people start thinking about their health issues when they are already pregnant, it can sometimes be too late to make significant changes. It can help to be aware of any potential concerns that will impact either you or your future baby. Depending on the issue, you might then be able to make changes to reduce the impact on your health.

An appointment with a GP to discuss planning for a pregnancy is a wise choice.

Planning your pregnancy

Your GP will complete a general health check before you start trying to conceive.

If you know when you would like to start your family or to have another baby, your doctor can help you plan when to take any additional vitamins or minerals – like Folate.

You can also check to see if you have your immunisations up to date, to help protect you and your unborn baby.

Pregnancy planning can also include genetic screening, this can be important for anyone who is aware of certain genetic health conditions in their family, but also for people who might have knowledge gaps in their family history.

Some patients will also consider their level of health insurance, you might want to get health insurance for the first time, or alternatively, check that your cover includes obstetrics and when to increase your cover to family cover, to make sure your unborn baby is included on your health insurance.

Whatever stage you are at with planning for a pregnancy, speak with your GP to help ensure you’re in the best of health when the time is right.

Having trouble conceiving

Having trouble conceiving can be a challenging and emotional experience. If you’re facing difficulties in getting pregnant, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone.

Many couples encounter obstacles along their journey to parenthood, and there are resources and support available to help you navigate this process.

The first step is to reach out to a GP who has a special interest in fertility to discuss your concerns and explore potential solutions. They can evaluate your medical history, conduct necessary tests, and provide guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Remember to take care of your emotional well-being as well, seeking support from loved ones or joining support groups with individuals going through similar experiences. It’s important to be patient and kind to yourself during this time, and know that there are options and possibilities that can help you achieve your dream of starting a family.

Book a Pregnancy Planning or Conception Appointment

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